Under Regulation 9(1) of the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010, the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) as the competent authority, may issue written authorisations that allow for deviations from the requirements of ADR/RID. These authorisations carry conditions and time limits, and apply to carriage within NI only; they can be withdrawn by the competent authority at any time by means of a written notice.
For ease of reference, Northern Ireland authorisations retain the same numbers as their Great Britain equivalents.
Current Authorisations
Authorisations which are valid at present:
Authorisation No. 1051
To allow the carriage by road of UN 0336, FIREWORKS, in certain quantities without adherence to provisions of ADR (a), 9.1.2,,, 9.3.3 (second subparagraph), and (second subparagraph).
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation No. NIA1
To permit, subject to conditions, the transport in Northern Ireland by healthcare workers of certain medical gases that have been set up to administer to patients notwithstanding the requirements of Chapter 8.1.4 (fire-fighting equipment) of the International Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation No. 1034 (Rev.1)
To permit tanks, battery-vehicles and MEGCs with a valid type-approval and initial and periodic (if applicable) or exceptional (if applicable) inspection certificate issued under the applicable provisions of the Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) to be used without an intermediate inspection certificate on the roads of Northern Ireland within the three months after the specified date for an intermediate inspection.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation No. 1013
To allow Dangerous Goods Driver Training (DGDT), including both theory and individual practical elements required under ADR Chapter 8.2, to be delivered remotely to candidates who are applying for or refreshing an ADR Driver Training Certificate in line with the provisions set out in ADR Chapter 8.2.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 839 Revision 2
To permit the continued use in Northern Ireland of the tanks identified in the schedules to this authorisation that have been designed and constructed such that the material thicknesses of the tank shell, or partitions, or baffles, whilst being below the minimum required in ADR to ADR, are not less than the corresponding minimum thicknesses required by applicable regulations concerning the carriage of dangerous goods by road which predate the entry into force in Northern Ireland of the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 284 Revision 2
To permit the continued use in Northern Ireland of the tanks identified in the schedules to this authorisation that have been designed and constructed such that the material thicknesses of the tank shell, or partitions, or baffles, whilst being below the minimum required in ADR to ADR, are not less than the corresponding minimum thicknesses required by applicable regulations concerning the carriage of dangerous goods by road which predate the entry into force in Northern Ireland of the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Non-Current Authorisations
Authorisations which have lapsed or been withdrawn and are no longer valid:
Authorisation No. 1007
To allow Dangerous Goods Driver Training (DGDT), including both theory and individual practical elements required under ADR Chapter 8.2, to be delivered remotely to candidates who are applying for or refreshing an ADR Driver Training Certificate in line with the provisions set out in ADR Chapter 8.2.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation No. 01/2021 Revision 1
To permit Glenmore Generation Limited, 11 Mill Avenue, Sion Mills, Strabane, County Tyrone BT82 9HE, a subsidiary of Southgates Estates Ltd. Glenmore Estate, Aghaveagh, Cloghan, County Donegal. F93Y6YW, the continued use of multiple element gas containers (MEGCs) for the carriage of Biomethane (UN No. 1971) in Northern Ireland valid until 31 May 2022.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation No. 992
To allow Dangerous Goods Driver Training (DGDT), including both theory and individual practical elements required under ADR Chapter 8.2, to be delivered remotely to candidates who are applying for or refreshing an ADR Driver Training Certificate in line with the provisions set out in ADR Chapter 8.2.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation No. 990
To allow drivers who hold ADR driver training certificates in accordance with of ADR to continue in the carriage of dangerous goods by road within Northern Ireland by temporarily extending the expiry dates for their ADR driver - training certificate.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 970
To allow dangerous goods to be carried without the driver being in possession of their ADR Driver Training Certificate, where the driver holds a valid Certificate and ADR (b) would otherwise require the Certificate to be present on the transport unit.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 969
To permit the carriage of pressure receptacles of up to 10 litres capacity containing UN 1072 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED that are due their periodic inspection and test between the date when this authorisation is issued and 31 March 2021.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 476 Revision 2
To allow new EX, FL and AT tank vehicles and MEMUs to enter into service and be used on the roads of Northern Ireland without an ADR1 certificate.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 476 Revision 1
To allow new EX, FL and AT tank vehicles and MEMUs to enter into service and be used on the roads of Northern Ireland without an ADR1 certificate.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 476
To allow new tank vehicles to enter into service and be used on the roads of Northern Ireland without an ADR1 certificate.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 439
Published before coming into effect so that road tank vehicle operators affected can make sure they are able to continue in service when Authorisation 426 expires on 30 June 2015.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 426
To permit the continued use of road tank vehicles (fixed tanks) listed by the Department for Transport on GOV.UK for which a certificate of intermediate inspection cannot be issued, subject to alternative carriage provisions.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 409 revision 1
To permit the continued use of road tank vehicles with fixed tanks manufactured by GRW South Africa that are less than six years from the date of initial inspection subject to the alternative carriage provisions provided [see full text of Authorisation for alternative provisions]. This authorisation comes into effect on 1 March 2014 and remains valid until 31 December 2014 unless otherwise revoked.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 409
To permit the continued use of road tank vehicles with fixed tanks manufactured by GRW South Africa that are less than six years from the date of initial inspection subject to the alternative carriage provisions provided [see full text of Authorisation for alternative provisions]. This authorisation comes into effect on 1 March 2014 and remains valid until 31 December 2014 unless otherwise revoked.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 289
To permit the continued use of road tank vehicles with fixed tanks manufactured by GRW South Africa and to permit the use of those tanks issued with DfT type approval and initial inspection certificates stamped by Bureau Veritas subject to the alternative carriage provisions provided [see full text of Authorisation for alternative provisions]. Valid until 30 June 2016 unless otherwise revoked.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 284 revision 1
To permit the carriage of small quantities of certain dangerous goods by end-to-end postal operators without application of the full provisions of the Regulations. This authorisation comes into effect immediately and remains valid unless otherwise revoked.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 284
To permit the carriage of small quantities of certain dangerous goods by end-to-end postal operators without application of the full provisions of the Regulations. Effective from 1 January 2013 for contract customers and 1 July 2013 for social customers. Valid unless otherwise revoked.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 225
To exempt healthcare workers from the requirement to carry a fire extinguisher when carrying small amounts of clinical waste as part of their duties. Valid until 30 June 2011.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 223
To exempt old tanks from the requirements of ADR 9.1. Valid until 30 June 2011.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 217
To allow those involved in the transport of UN 2212 to load and unload without the need to notify or receive permission from the competent authority of Northern Ireland. Valid until 30 June 2011.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 214
To allow the transport of Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion Batteries between consumer collection points and intermediate processing facilities. Valid until 30 June 2015.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 59
Extends the provisions of ADR Multilateral Agreement M182 to carriage within Northern Ireland. Valid until 11 June 2011.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 38
Alternative labelling provisions for UN3291 in LP621. Valid until 31 December 2015.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 35
Transitional measure: vehicles carrying diesel. Valid until 30 June 2019.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 24 Revised
To allow transport units comprising of two vehicles to be equipped with a single chock. Valid until 17 October 2014.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link:
Authorisation 1 Revised
Allow a transitional period for industry to adapt to new requirements relating to the carriage of certain dangerous goods by road. Valid until 9 May 2019.
This Authorisation can be viewed in full at the following link: