(Virtual Meeting via Zoom)
1. Attendance
Present: Rachel Hunter, Raymond Martin, Pete Gibson, Justine Mclyntyre, Jennifer Stephens, Jim King and Michael McLaughlin.
Apologies: Martin Rafferty and Gordon Boyd.
2. Website Upgrade
JK highlighted the HSENI WISHNI pages have been updated and MR is going to talk the group through the changes. JMc outlined we are going to include a section which dates the next meeting and the agenda for the next meeting for members to easily access.
Website update to be included as topic in next WISHNI meeting and highlighted via LinkedIn and email circulation (PG and RH to action).
Action: JMc to update Steven internally within HSENI.
3. CIPD Points
RM is going to enquire if it is possible for those attending the WISHNI meetings to receive CIPD points for doing so (RM to action).
4. Potential ideas for future meetings
4.1 Stress Management & Mental Health - JMc highlighted there has been a new video released from the HSENI regarding use of the management standards.
4.2 Investigation into if it is possible to use video via zoom at next meeting. JMc has proposed use of video followed by a question and answer session. JK has proposed Nicola Penman attend and present using a PowerPoint.
4.3 Suggestions:
- JK proposed we issue a list of topic areas and open it up to the group to volunteer in each category.
- JK to ask CIWM for potential speakers.
- PG has offered to provide a presentation on fire safety, environmental issues or temperature checking.
- JK to investigate topic areas David Donnelly could potential present on.
4.4 Confirmation of dates
The following dates were proposed for the next meetings:
- Tuesday 10th November 2020: Stress & Mental Health JMC to confirm with HSENI Mental Health & Wellbeing Team.
- Tuesday 8th December 2020: Atlas World – Heat sensors and temperature checking regarding COVID.
- Tuesday 19th or 26th January 2021: WISHNI relaunch. Robert Kidd to be asked to speak on behalf of HSENI and representative from WISHNIGB also required. Aim is to go back to basics regarding emphasising the key aims and priorities for WISHNI and agenda for 2021. Big recruitment drive required in preparation for this and focus in early January on promoting this event.
RH, JMc & PG to be provided with all finalised dates for publication on website and social media.
5. UUJ Update
JK outlined the University of Ulster are still keen for the student ambassador awards to take place this year. The topic of machinery guarding has been confirmed for the award in 2021.
6. Virtual Meetings
Discussions were held around potential ideas / how the WISHNI Awards are going to be facilitated this year. JK has asked everyone to feedback any ideas they have regarding the virtual set up / best format of facilitating this.
7. Survey/WISHNI Feedback
MM proposed the use of survey monkey to gather some feedback from members regarding WISHNI topic areas, presenter ideas, virtual meeting facilitation and website updates. MM to forward an example.
RH will forward this out via email to all members.
8. Any other business
MMc to research how other companies or groups use their LinkedIn to the best potential for example for the WISHNI group to better improve advertising.
JMc to provide email access to RH & JK.
RH to forward all minutes to JMc for placement on webpage.