Recent European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) advice and opinions

Commission decisions on Union authorisation

The European Commission has granted a Union authorisation for:

Commission decisions on active substances

Commission decisions approving:

  • sulfur dioxide released from sodium metabisulfite for product-type 9
  • Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract from open and mature flowers of Tanacetum cinerariifolium obtained with supercritical carbon dioxide for product-type 18
  • Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract from open and mature flowers of Tanacetum cinerariifolium obtained with hydrocarbon solvents for product-type 18

Commission decision not renewing the approval of:

  • acrolein for product-type 12

ECHA opinions on companies’ requests to classify changes to their biocidal product authorisations

Companies can make changes to their authorised biocidal products by either notifying the authorities or by submitting an application. The process depends on the level of change the company would like to make to the existing authorisation: administrative, minor or major. Various change types are listed in the annex of the European Commission’s Implementing Regulation on changes of authorised biocidal products (No 345/2013).

If the foreseen change is not listed in the annex, a company has the possibility to request ECHA’s opinion on the classification of the change. The classification will help companies understand which type of application they should submit to change their biocidal product authorisations.

For more information please see the following links:

Recommendations on preparing a summary of product characteristics

ECHA has published recommendations on preparing a Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for biocidal products and biocidal product families.

They were developed to help applicants and Member State competent authorities prepare a clear and comprehensible SPC which follows the requirements of the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).

The document compiles agreements from the Coordination Group, Biocides competent authority meetings and Biocidal Products Committee meetings and is applicable to single products and biocidal product families.

To view these recommendations please see the following link:

Recommendations on preparing a Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for single biocidal products and biocidal product families - (PDF format - ECHA website)