ECHA published information on new format available to report worker exposure and emissions of chromium trioxide

Date published: 09 September 2021


New format available to report worker exposure and emissions of chromium trioxide.

ECHA - New reporting format available

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a format for downstream users in the plating and surface treatment industry to report the results of their monitoring programmes to ECHA.

The authorisation decisions require users to monitor worker exposure to chromium trioxide as well as emissions to wastewater and air from local exhaust ventilation.

The format is tailored for specific downstream users of chromium trioxide that operate under two authorisation decisions which can be viewed at the following links:

The information will be submitted yearly and made available to the authorisation holders so they can validate their exposure scenarios and prepare possible review reports to apply for authorisation renewals. The first deadline is on 18 December 2021.

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