Board Members:
- Mrs H Singleton – Deputy Chair
- Mr M Mawhinney
- Mr H Sinclair
- Mr W Graham
- Mr J Kane
- Ms L Smith
- Mr T Wright
HSENI officials:
- Mr R Kidd - Chief Executive
- Mr L Burns - Deputy Chief Executive
- Mrs N Monson - Deputy Chief Executive
- Mrs A Martin - HSENI Accountant
- Ms L Nelson - Board Secretary
- Ms C Mounce – HSENI Boardroom Apprentice
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting including Ms Mounce, HSENI Boardroom Apprentice. The Chair stated that he hoped she would find her year with HSENI productive and educational. Ms Mounce thanked HSENI for the opportunity stating that she has learnt so much already.
1. Apologies
Dr Bryan Monson
2. Corporate Health, Safety and Welfare
Nothing to report.
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest(s)
No conflicts of interest were declared.
4. Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20
The Chief Executive gave a brief overview of the Annual Report highlighting the key facts and figures. He stated that it was a well prepared document providing an accurate summary of work carried out throughout a different but challenging year in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chief Executive expressed his gratitude to the team within HSENI for their hard work in compiling the report with credit to Mrs Martin and Mrs Mullan. He also expressed thanks to the audit teams within Northern Ireland Audit Office and Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PwC) for their work on the document.
The Chair endorsed all the comments made by the Chief Executive stating that the log of changes produced by Mrs Mullan was very helpful. The Chair also thanked Board Members for their comments. The Board discussed the Annual Report and all agreed it was a good report, raising awareness of all activities carried out by HSENI.
The length of the document was discussed and the possibility of picking out main points for a target audience. The Chair stated this is something HSENI can think about and review going forward.
Mrs A Martin gave a brief overview of the Statement of Accounts, detailing changes in the operating expenditure from the previous year. A discussion took place in relation to section three, expenditure, including telephone expenses which had risen by £10k. Mrs Martin explained to the Committee this was as a result of the new CMS system and increased data usage. Mrs Martin assured the Committee this increase in spend was being monitored by the head of Finance.
The Board noted the report provided a very comprehensive and in-depth account of the important and varied work carried out by HSENI staff. This, together with assurances from the Audit and Risk Management Committee Chair, provided the Board with sufficient assurance to allow the Accounts to be signed by the Chairman and Chief Executive. The Annual Report and Accounts were formally adopted and approved by the Board.
5. Report to Those Charged with Governance year ended 31 March 2020
The draft Report to Those Charged with Governance was noted by the Board. The report showed there was nothing significant to report and anticipated recommending that the C&AG certify an unqualified set of Accounts.
6. Any Other Business
Nothing discussed.
7. Date and Venue of next Board Meeting
The Chair outlined the arrangements for the next Board meeting, which is to be held on Thursday 29th October 2020, via Zoom. The Chair informed the Board that the Permanent Secretary will attend the next Board meeting and encouraged all Board Members to attend. The Board Meeting will commence at 9:30a.m.
Board closed at 12:25p.m.
Board Minutes adopted and approved: Signed by Derek Martin, HSENI Chairperson on 29th October 2020.