Minutes of HSENI Senior Management Team meeting - November 2018

Minutes of the HSENI Senior Management Team (SMT) Meeting held on 19 November 2018 at Ladas Drive, Belfast

In attendance:

  • B Monson
  • N Monson
  • L Burns

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

3. Update on Agreed Action Points

  • ACTION - Incident notification escalation procedure (RM) (Ongoing)
  • ACTION - Comms cover (RM) (Ongoing)
  • ACTION - Inspection Ladas Drive (LB)
  • ACTION - Review ‘lone worker safety policy’ (RM)
  • ACTION - Amend Risk Register – see 5 below (LB)
  • ACTION - Finance stocktake meeting to be arranged for January 2019 (LN)
  • ACTION - Lone worker training to be organised – see 6 below (PC)
  • ACTION - Raise Chemicals MoU issues with HSE (LB)
  • ACTION - Contact DfE on Brexit issues (BM)
  • ACTION - Complaints - P.I.’s to review open complaints to ensure timely recording and closure – must be done at every quarter end (a CMS report is available for this). Next review point is December 2018 (All P.I.’s)
  • ACTION - Arrange a meeting with HSE’s Director of Engagement and Policy (LB).

4. Corporate Health, Safety and Welfare

SMT noted no incidents since the last meeting. Lone worker safety was discussed. (Third point in Update on Action Points refers to this).

5. Audit, Risk Management and Finance

SMT considered the risk register and emerging risks. Ability to recruit Professional and Technical staff to be added as a future risk. No information has been issued on the 2019/20 budget. SMT discussed finance to end of October. Staff and Operating costs – 58% spend and Programme - £19k due to accounting adjustment, the impact of this has been reflected in December monitoring round adjustments. A finance stocktake meeting will be arranged for January 2019.

6. HR

SMT considered the absence statistics for year to date. L Burns explained that the average HSENI absence rate was 5.21%. HSENI’s absences account for 96.77% of the working days lost. On average 91.91% of staff didn’t have any absence at all which is a very good record.

SMT agreed lone worker training would be organised. SMT discussed recruitment exercises and staffing pressures. These will be kept under review by Heads of Groups and SMT.

7. Case and Project Work

SMT discussed the current caseload of the Major Investigation Team. The current caseload is at capacity. One fatality has been added since last month.

B Monson updated SMT on the CMS project which is progressing as planned. The development of test scripts has commenced with agency staff. The “Go Live” date is estimated for the end of April 2019. N Monson reported that the new 'Out of hours' rota went live on 1 November 2018. A full rota has been populated for the year. SMT thanks all who have gone on the rota.

8. Business Planning

SMT also noted that the calling note for the 2019/20 Operating plan has been issued and work was ongoing. L Burns to raise chemicals Memorandum of Understanding issues with HSE GB. B Monson to contact Department for Economy on Brexit issues.

9. Performance Monitoring

B Monson updated SMT on the HSENI performance statistics using the new Cube system as detailed below (last year figures in brackets):
NOTE: All stats are provisional and should not be relied upon.

  • Total RIDDOR reports – 1381 (1657)
  • Work-related fatalities – 8 (with 2 pending decision)
  • Interactions – 3613 (4505)
  • Advisory Visits – 1403
  • Complaints – 560 (555)
  • Improvement Notices – 61 (34)
  • Prohibition Notices - 96 (119)

10. Board Business

The next Board meeting is scheduled for 31 January 2019.

11. Any other business

SMT considered forward diaries and key events over the next few months, including the Waste Industry Awards on 21 November 2018, the Tripartite meeting with HSA and HSE in Dublin on 29 November 2018. L Burns to arrange a meeting with HSE’s Director of Engagement and Policy.

12. Date of next meeting

The next SMT meeting has been scheduled for 17 December 2018 at 2:00pm in Ladas Drive.