UPDATE: UK Guidance on the Repurposing of Non-Compliant Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Medical Devices

Date published: 19 June 2020

The United Kingdom Government, through the Office of Product Safety and Standards (OPSS), has issued new guidance for the repurposing of non-compliant PPE and medical devices. The guidance can be found at the following link:


OPSS guidance states, where a product has been designed or manufactured as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or as a medical device and is found to be non-compliant, the business in the supply chain that owns the product, can now take on producer responsibility and repurpose the product to sell as a face covering during this time of Covid 19 Pandemic.

Any business repurposing products to classify the product as a face covering must demonstrate it meets the requirements under the General Product Safety Regulations (GPSR).

The following must be adhered to:

  • All referencing on packaging and on the product of CE marking must be removed;
  • Any claims or references to meeting any PPE standards must be removed;
  • The product or any accompany packaging must carry no claims to offer protection from any particular risks;
  • No original paperwork, or certification must accompany the product; and
  • No forms of advertising or marketing must accompany the product.
    The business taking producer responsibility must be able to demonstrate that the product is a safe product and must add appropriate labelling to comply with the General Product Safety Regulations (GPSR).
    In Northern Ireland Local Councils are responsible for the enforcement of the General Product Safety Regulations (GPSR) 1995, and the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
    For the purposes of clarity, this does not change any previous guidance, that Non-Compliant PPE CANNOT be used in the work place, as part of a risk controlled strategy.
    For further advice or guidance contact:
    Email: OPSS.enquires@BEIS.Gov.UK
    Telephone: 0121 3451201

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