Santa completed his full vehicle safety checks before take-off!

Date published: 20 December 2023

He’s making a list and checking it twice. Santa has been sure to complete his full vehicle safety checks before take-off!

Santa and his reindeer

Children across Northern Ireland were delighted with the news that Santa Claus has been praised by the Health and Safety Executive of Northern Ireland for the high standards in which he maintains his sleigh and reindeers.

Santa was spotted doing his own vehicle checks in preparation for his Christmas Eve journey, ensuring his sleigh, harnesses and lights were all in good working order. 

Louis Burns, deputy Chief Executive of the Health & Safety Executive, said: “Santa is much loved and has an extremely important job to do at Christmas, and I'm delighted to see that he doesn't cut any corners when it comes to the safety of his sleigh and reindeers, and he puts Elf and Safety at the centre of his preparations.

“He’s carrying presents for every boy and girl across the world, so it’s important that nothing goes wrong on his journey. Luckily, Santa always keeps his vehicle in excellent condition and his sleigh and reindeer are in full working order, and he has been given the all clear to proceed with his work on Christmas Eve.”

Watch Santa doing checks on his vehicle in preparation for Christmas Eve on our YouTube channel!

And a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone at HSENI.

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