NEWS ALERT: Agriculture Contractors reminded to put safety at the top of their New Year’s Resolution List

Date published: 06 January 2021

HSENI’s advisory engagement with agriculture contractors will continue during January with telephone calls and virtual advisory appointments being carried out rather than site visits due to the ongoing situation. The advice offered is more important than ever and focuses on how health & safety should be managed. Agriculture Contractors are being asked to put safety at the top of their new year’s resolution list.

HSENI’s Principal Inspector Camilla Mackey said ‘We are reminding contractors of the importance of having robust controls in place to ensure the safety of everyone who comes in contact with them in their line of work. There is no room for complacency. We will continue to carry out advisory calls with agriculture contractors during January to drive home the importance of having safe systems in place which will benefit themselves, their employees and the farmer and farming family they are working for.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to speak with a Health & Safety Business Adviser from HSENI now is the time to get in touch with us before your busier period of work commences.

Agriculture Contractors wishing to directly arrange an advisory call to discuss health & safety or would like more information on our agriculture contractors initiative should contact -Deirdre Goan on Tel – 077200 36472 or e-mail -

Further information can be found on the HSENI website at: 

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