Workplace deaths down from 19 in 2021-2022 to 10 - HSENI Annual Report and Accounts for 2022-2023 published

Date published: 26 October 2023

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) has published its Annual Report and Accounts for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

Annual report - 2022-23

The twenty-fourth annual publication reports an encouraging fall in the number of work-related fatalities in Northern Ireland. Including incidents within areas that are the responsibility of both HSENI and local councils, there were 10 fatalities in 2022-23 compared to 19 in the previous reporting year.

With COVID-19 restrictions eased, HSENI carried out 5,108 inspections compared with 2,902 in the previous year.

HSENI’s Major Investigations Team progressed 18 prosecutions through the courts which resulted in fines of over £522,500 being handed down.

Overall, 18,688 interactions with dutyholders were delivered to improve health and safety standards across Northen Ireland. 

HSENI Chairman, Derek Martin said: “I am proud of the tireless work and dedication that the entire HSENI team has shown through this reporting period.

“We have maintained our focus on reducing serious injuries and fatalities in the workplace with excellent results but every death is a tragedy, and we remain determined to work with all sectors of industry to drive these numbers down.  

“We remain grateful to all those who share our ambition to make Northern Ireland’s workplaces as safe and healthy as possible and who have contributed to the successful outcomes set out in our 2022-23 Annual Report.”

HSENI Chief Executive Robert Kidd said: “I can confidently say that we have made great strides during the reporting period to help ensure the safety of workers.

“I am very much encouraged by the reduction in the number of deaths and major injuries, but we will never be complacent. Fatalities alone are not a strong indicator of improving trends in workplace health and safety as the figures can fluctuate. We will continue to focus on those activities known to be the causes of serious injuries and fatalities across all work sectors.  

“The expertise and determination shown by everyone in the organisation has successfully contributed to making Northern Ireland workplaces significantly safer.”

HSENI’s website attracted 804,747 page views and enabled visitors to download 80,489 publication files.

HSENI dealt with 713 complaints, responded to approximately 3,130 calls for information received via the Freephone Helpline, and launched Asbestos and Farm Safety campaigns on social media.

The organisation delivered on all its published objectives apart from a small number of pieces of legislation which were delayed because of the absence of the Assembly.

The HSENI Annual Report 2022-23 can be found at the following link:


Notes to editors: 

  1. HSENI is the lead body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of health and safety work standards in Northern Ireland. HSENI is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body, sponsored by the Department for the Economy.
  2. For media enquiries please contact HSENI Press Office on 028 9024 3249, or email For Out of Office Hours please contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 9037 8110.

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