Asbestos campaign radio adverts - transcripts

Radio advert - Tradespeople transcript

Background sound - Building site sounds… hammers banging, saws cutting, crowbars lifting floorboards. We hear this for a few seconds before the voiceover starts. It continues under the voiceover.

"If you’re a tradesperson, your day-to-day life probably sounds a bit like this. Until you disturb asbestos".

Background sound - Gradually, the building site sounds morph into coughs and wheezes. (Hammer banging: cough cough cough, saw cutting: wheezing chest, etc)

"Because breathing in those fibres can lead to fatal lung diseases, devastating your health and livelihood. Asbestos can be in any building constructed before 2000. And it’s still a major killer of tradespeople in Northern Ireland. Always ask for the Asbestos Register".

"Get advice at".

Radio advert - Dutyholders transcript

Background sound - Building site sounds… hammers banging, saws cutting, crowbars lifting floorboards. We hear this for a few seconds before the voiceover starts. It continues under the voiceover.

"If tradespeople work in your building, you have a legal obligation to check for asbestos".

Background sound - Gradually, the building site sounds morph into coughs and wheezes. (Hammer banging: cough cough cough, saw cutting: wheezing chest, etc)

"Because if they disturb it, they can inhale deadly asbestos fibres that lead to fatal lung diseases. It’s still a major killer of tradespeople in Northern Ireland. So if your building was constructed before 2000, you could be risking their lives and your livelihood. Protect everyone with an Asbestos Register".

"Get advice at".