

The construction industry is a major employer in Northern Ireland but unfortunately has a poor accident record with 46 workers killed in accidents over the last 10 years. This figure is serious and action must be taken by everyone involved in the industry.


Health and safety plans on construction sites should be brief, site specific and user friendly.

Workers must be given greater involvement when preparing method statements so as to encourage ownership.


Health and safety considerations must be included when planning construction work.  Method statements must be fit for purpose and those in supervisory control must be competent and up to the job.

Reference to L144 Managing health and safety in construction - source HSE (GB)

This was formerly Great Britain’s Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) and was approved for use in Northern Ireland. Although it has ceased to have effect in Great Britain, and therefore no longer carries the status of an ACoP in Northern Ireland, HSENI considers relevant parts of this document may still be valid guidance during the transitional process.

Construction accidents

The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has published a series of videos looking at the devastating consequences that a serious workplace accident can have. You can view the videos on the HSA YouTube channel:

  • 'In the blink of an eye': This video outlines the devastating consequences a serious workplace accident can have 
  • 'In the blink of an eye': - Shane's story Former construction worker Shane Gannon talks about his rehabilitation after a serious workplace accident left him with a spinal injury 
  • 'In the blink of an eye' - Peadar's story: Peadar explains the difference a hard hat could have made when he had his workplace accident
  • 'In the blink of an eye' - The Rehabilitation Journey: Medical professionals from the National Rehabilitation Hospital discuss the challenging and lengthy process of returning from a serious work-related injury 
  • 'In the blink of an eye' - Robert's story: Robert describes coming to terms with life after a serious work accident left him wheelchair-bound    



Construction dust


Falls/work at height


General construction guidance

* This was formerly Great Britain’s Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) and was approved for use in Northern Ireland. Although it has ceased to have effect in Great Britain, and therefore no longer carries the status of an ACoP in Northern Ireland, HSENI considers relevant parts of this document may still be valid guidance during the transitional process.

Manual Handling



Key legislation

Please note that these links are to the original legislation, visitors should verify for themselves whether legislation is in force or whether it has been amended or repealed by subsequent legislation.